Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Cleaning for your Closet!

Well, I admit it---I have a shopping problem.

Admitting it is the first step, right?

It's really taking a toll on my closet, though.

Exhibit A
[Warning: Some viewers may find this disturbingly messy]

Yes, this is the state my closet is in right now. Too many clothes to fit. What doesn't fit ends up in piles like this around my room:
Exhibit B

My parents are NOT okay with this. They are super clean and can't stand my room being a mess, so I had to find something to do about it. I was at Big Lots the other day and saw these and though VOILA! EUREKA! The answer to my burning question:
Space bags! And they were only $10! I have seen the info-mercials for these and they looked like just the thing for my over crowded closet.
The jumbo bag is enormous. I think I could live in it:

I gathered all of my winter coats and sweaters, and a few long sleeve shirts (I kept some of them, though, I might wear them). It ended up in a pile that looked like this:
Put them in the bag...

And had dad vaccuum out the air where the little white nozzle is:

Almost done...

The finished product!

Now the majority of my winter clothes are compacted in a nice little storage bag! And I'm off to organize my closet! Thanks so much for reading, how do you store clothing that you don't need this season?


  1. Cool idea! :) Seems to save tons of space.

  2. hahahaha poppa patty's hairy arms.

  3. @ Vintage Makeup, thanks! It left me enough room in my closet to get everything in there! For 10 bucks it was a great success :)

    @ stasnicole...ahaha I know, the funniest part was he asked "Am I going to be on your blog??" and if so, could I sensor his face? Ahaha, that crazy old man.
