Thursday, January 27, 2011

Did you make a weight loss resolution?

Hi everyone, I wanted to shared with you a great offer that I stumbled upon and that may help you with your weight loss goals. I, probably like many of you that are reading, made a weight loss goal as a New Year's Resolution. The best way for me to lose weight is the Atkins diet, low carb and high protein. You WILL lose weight FAST on this diet; Atkins claims as much as 15 pounds in 2 weeks! I myself went from about 125 pounds and a senior in highschool to about 100-102 currently (keep in mind I'm 5'0" so 100 pounds is in the "normal" range for my height.)While there is serious weight loss, there is also serious deadication required to achieve that weightloss. I love my carbs---pasta, bread, sugary mmmm. The Atkins diet cuts most carbs out of your diet. In phase 1, the beginning phase of the diet, you need to stay under 20 net carbs a day. I am in phase 2, the "Ongoing Weight Loss" or OWL phase, which incorporates more carbs but still much less than my normal diet would include. This allows for 25 net carbs, which can be calculated by subtracting the amount of fiber in any food from the carb count.
The reason I am making this post is because right now, if you go to and sign up, you can get kick started on the Atkins diet for FREE! You will recieve a Quick Start Guide, Recipe Book, Reabte for a recent Atkins book, and 3 free Atkins bars! The Atkins website will track your current weight, your BMI, your weight loss goals, suggest recipes, and offers a ton of interactive tools--journals, forums, daily meal tracker---that are all FREE. This is a great offer and I highly recommend giving the Atkins diet a try....what have you got to lose? (Except weight that is!)
I am going grocery shopping tomorrow to get some low carb foods to help me stay on track. Here's some items from my shopping list:
Eggs (high in protein, low carb, perfect for breakfast!)
Mozzarella cheese sticks (nearly no carbs, perfect snack)
Atkins Ready to Drink Shakes in chocolate (perfect breakfast or lunch, and they really do taste good.)

Deli meat
Green beans
Frozen chicken breasts + marinade

Any kind of meat is great. Have a veggies along side it for the perfect Atkins meal. It's also easy to eat out at restaurants....order a steak, grilled chicken or shrimp, just dont get potatoes/french fries/rice as a side.

Thanks so much for reading! Has this inspired you to try the Atkins diet? What method are you using to achieve your wieght loss goal or maintain your current healthy weight?

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing the Atkins diet, as well! (: Just started though. I'll def let you know the results!
