Friday, April 22, 2011

Cute Easter Basket Cupcakes!

I have been loving making cupcakes lately, and here's my version of a recipe I found on the Disney Family Fun site.
You will need:
-Cake Mix (any flavor you want)
-White Icing
-Mini Robin Eggs
-Bag of Sweetened Flake Coconut
-Bag of Assorted Easter Chocolates
-Tooth picks

The kind of candy eggs I used---Whopper's Mini Robin Eggs. The regular size are too big for cupcakes.

The candy I used: Palmers Peter's Sweet Shop Assorted Easter Chocolates

I was specifically looking for little bunnies, which is why I bought Palmer's...they had these adorable fudge bunnies!

I got chocolate Twizzlers because I thought the brown would look better as the basket handle, and I don't like the other flavors, but you can get the black or red ones, whichever you prefer.

You will also need some green food coloring

Optional--green decorative crystals
Optional---Ribbon and cellophane

Prepare the cake mix according to the directions. Bake and allow to cool for about 20-25 minutes.
Lightly ice the cupcakes
Add a few drops of the green food coloring to the coconut flakes and mix well.
Start by adding a few drops and slowly add to it until it reaches and pretty bright green.
Put a spoonful atop a cupcake and gently press into the icing.

Now the fun part!
Unwrap a fudge bunny and push a tooth pick in the bottom, and stick it into the cupcake. Put a few eggs in front of him.
Take a Twizzler (no need to cut them, they are conveniently the perfect length!) and push a tooth pick into each end. Secure into opposite sided of the cupcake to look like a basket handle.
The finished product:
 I made quite a few!
I used the green crystals on a few of the cupcakes because I do not like coconut and I wanted to be able to eat one! 

To make them cute, I wrapped them in cellophane and tied with a ribbon. I took these to my family Easter dinner (we had it early this year).

I also individually wrapped some for friends :)

I hope you enjoyed this! Do you have any cute cupcake suggestions?
My friend Tasha also likes baking cupcakes, go checkout her Cupcake Blog: My Cupcakes
Have a wonderful Easter! :)