Sunday, April 24, 2011

OOTN---Going to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra!

My mom's Easter present to me this year was tickets to see Trans-Siberian Orchesta! I love TSO. If you've never heard of them, they take classical music and put their own rock twist on's sooo awesome. They are so unbelievably talented, I was mesmerized the whole show. Plus they use lasers and smoke and fire and all kinda of crazy effects during the performance. It's an overall spectacular show.

My outfit:
Dress: $11.99 at ROSS! So cheap!
Belt: Free at a rummage sale
Shoes: Forever 21, $25.80
I featured them in a haul last month. 
That means that the total cost of my outfit was $37.79---not bad!

Here's a video I recorded at the concert, to give you a taste of what it's like:

Thanks so much for reading! Do you like my cheap outfit? What did you do for Easter?