Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Hello again :) I hope this week is going well for you! I have been super busy, but my week has been really good overall. Today's post is super exciting: The Versatile Blogger Award!

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.

2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.

3. Award recently discovered new bloggers.

4. Contact the bloggers and let them know they've received the award(s).

Thank you so much Emily at Fabulous Finds! I am so flattered. You have made my day :)

7 Things About Me:
1) I am the pickiest eater I have ever met. Chances are, I don't like it. And I especially loathe onions!
2) I love kitty cats and have two precious ones, Thor and Wolfie.

3) I have a bone displaysia in my hands and feet called brachydactly, which basically means short fingers and toes. It's a genetic disorder. My hands and feet are tiny, hence why I wear size 3 shoes! Megan Fox has something similar with her thumb, and I love that about her. It's not as noticable as mine but it makes me think, so what, my fingers are tiny. I am still beautiful and it cannot hinder me.

4) I love, love, love roller skating.
5) I also love reading but I don't get to read often while I'm in school because there's already so much assigned reading to do.
6) I am an extreme procrastinator and have pulled many all-nighters in college because of it.
7) I have the best grandparents on the planet. Truly, I am so lucky and not a day goes by that I am not thankful for having them in my life. They have shaped who I am as a person so much.

I've awarded the Versatile Blogger Award to:
It's Stas Time!
The Angry American
The Inside Story:
Sweet Carolina Girl
Emily Anne
Tasha's Blog


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