Wednesday, March 30, 2011

April Fool's Day Sushi!

I made April Fool's Day "Sushi" out of rice krispy treats, fruit roll-ups, icing, coconut, and assorted candy. Looks quite a bit like real sushi, huh? Make these on April Fool's Day to trick some of your friends!
You'll need:
Rice Krispies Treats (pre-made or you can make them yourself, either way!

Swedish Fish Assoretd Candy

Haribo Raspberries and Licorice Allsorts (I got these in the Wal-Mart candy aisle)

Fruit rolls. I bough this brand because the Fruit Roll Ups brand were bright red. This is an all-natural brand I found at Kroger in their organic food section. They are a dark burgundy color, which looks a lot better than the bright red would have, in my opinion.

Sweetened coconut flakes

Vanilla Icing

Green and orange starburst (from the Tropical Fruit and Summer Fruit packs)

The sushi is really easy to make! Start by cutting out a circle of a rice krispy treat. I used a lid of my a salt shaker, but you can free lance it or use any lid/circular object.
Now wrap the fruit roll up around the circle.

Ice with vanilla frosting and gently push coconut flakes into the icing.

And now top with licorice candy or raspberry candy! I cut the candy to the size I wanted. Here's the finished product!

 I also made square ones for the Swedish fish. Just cut a small rectangle out from your rice krispy treat, ice, cover with coconut, and top with a fish. Cut the fruit roll into a thin strip to wrap around it.
To make the wasabi and ginger, heat startburst in the microwave for 10 seconds. Mold the green (wasabi) into a ball, and flatten the orange (ginger) and fold it back onto itself three times, staggering the folds.

 Close up of the raspberry and licorice candy toppings!
Another sushi platter I made!

I hope you enjoyed this recipe! Are you going to try it for April Fool's Day? 

1 comment:

  1. those are sooo adorable! i dont think i will try it right now though. maybe for a party or something.
