Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Quick Update + Sunglasses Haul

Hello darlings, I am sorry I haven't been posting very often, this is the last week of my junior year in college and I have been overwhelmed with exams and thesis stuff. I am working on my April Favorites and a few other posts, but I wanted to leave with you with something until I'm able to start posting consistently again: a sunglasses haul! It's getting super hot and sunny where I live in East Tennessee, and I needed some new shades for the summer.

I can't afford a pair of the Rayban Wayfarers, but luckily I found these royal blue sunglasses at T.J. Maxx yesterday on the men's sunglasses stand. I think they're awesome regardless if they're meant for men---and they were $4.99! I have been finding some awesome deals lately.

(Haha...modeling these!)
I got theses at Claire's for $5.00. I don't think they were supposed to be on sale for $5.00, because I saw an identical pair that didn't have the clearance sticker on them, but I argued with the sales lady and got them for 5 bucks anyways. 

This last pair is the kind I love---the big round frames that make you look like a bug! I adore them. These are really high quality too. I got them at JCPenney for around $15. I've never owned any Relic sunglasses before, but for a cheap brand, I really like them. And the inside is so cute, a bright floral design. I am really happy with these!

Have you purchased any new sunglasses for summer?

1 comment:

  1. I love the 1st pair! The only one I've purchased recently are some vintage-y ones. :)
